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Friday, May 20, 2011

Allergies Suck!

If you live in New York you already know that the weather sucks lately.  Spring has sprung and so has the pollen and the rain.  My head feels like it may explode at any minute and even Nate keeps complaining how his nose keeps running.  Our lawn is ridiculously long and I haven’t had a chance to plant my new flowers.  This weekend better be nice for at least a few hours or our neighbors may begin to wonder if we abandoned our house.  The upside to all the rain is that my black SUV is no longer a greenish yellow dust ball.  

I am looking forward to the warmer weather and a somewhat relaxing weekend.  I want to catch up on some things outside and inside but also get through some of the shows on my DVR.  I feel like all I watch lately is kid’s shows and movies and I want my old TV life back.  The only show I have been keeping up with is The Killing on AMC.  It’s a very dark drama set in Seattle so it is always raining.  Two of the stars were from two of my favorite HBO shows so I decided to give it a try.  The main character was on Big Love as the creepy twin sisters and she is fantastic on this show.  The other was on True Blood as Maryann and she is really good on this show too.  It’s about a teenage girl who is murdered and every week you think another person may be the one who did it.  I cry every episode and I like that about it.  I cried at almost every episode of Felicity and I was so in love with that show.  Maybe it’s just me but sometimes I just need a good cry.  Right now, I just need more caffeine.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

I can’t believe how long it has been since my last entry…I feel like it was the longest winter and the quickest at the same time.  Easter got here before I had a chance to blink and the summer is upon us.  This is my favorite and worst time of year for totally different reasons of course.  I used to adore the summer.  I am a huge beach fan (growing up on Long Island close to the beach will do that to a girl) and I am always cold so I LOVE warm weather.  I love hot sand and cold water and just getting out of the house without a million layers is wonderful.  I hate shoes so I wear flip flops from April until October.  I only hate the summer because of my job.  This will be my 8th summer in a row that will pass before my eyes in the time it takes to blink.  I guess one exception may be the summer I had Nate because I felt like I was pregnant forever and he was born August 3rd and then I was on maternity leave.  That was a great summer J

We have packed a lot into the weekends of the past 2 months…Easter which was great because Nate was old enough this year to go on an egg hunt and enjoy coloring eggs, not to mention my kick ass bunny cake…Nate and I having a great afternoon at the beach...my Mother’s 60th birthday dinner which was filled with delicious food and good company…Mother’s Day which I enjoyed by spending the day with Love, Nate and my parents…and finally last weekend which was a 4-day weekend for us since we traveled to NH for our niece’s Communion.  Here are pictures of everything so I don’t have to convince you what a good time we’re having.  I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves…

Nate's Easter Basket

Nate after the egg hunt

My delicious bunny cake

Nate had to eat one of the ears

My Mom

My Dad

Love continues to be the faceless man

Nate at the beach

My Mom the Birthday girl

The desserts were so yummy

Opening all of her gifts

Cutie pie Nate at Madison's Communion

Madison & Nate - how pretty is she?