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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mad, Mad Mommy

For my first real foray into this crazy blogging world I have decided to discuss why I’m even doing this.  I’m not a creative person (at least I don’t think of myself as creative) but I do have a constant stream of thoughts running through my head at all times.  I obsess over things when they bother me and I figure that this may be a great way to vent without having to subject the people I see on a daily basis to my thoughts.  If they decide to read it they can – if they decide they can live without my rant for the day than they can stay away.  I swear my husband thinks I’m a negative Nelly and perhaps most days I am.  He also thinks that I talk too much.  Maybe this experience will help with that as well.  I come from a long line of talkers and with my mind constantly going I usually have something waiting in the chamber to discuss. 

First, let me explain the name of the blog.  Mad for Mommy refers to my son Nathaniel (or Nate) who is totally mad for me.  We have recently stumbled upon Disney’s version of Alice in Wonderland and I think the word mad is a wonderful way to describe his love for me.  He wants to be around me every second of the day and night and most of the time I am thrilled by this.  Sometimes it’s not so convenient, like when I need to use the bathroom or I’m paying bills, but mostly it’s a wonderful feeling.

Nate is smart as a whip for his age and he is always looking to learn something new.  He adores reading and every night we get into my bed and he brings in a few books and says, “Talk Mommy!”  It’s a special time for us and I never thought I would get into reading kids books as much as I do.  Then he gives me kisses and hugs and we lay down.  If it’s a good night he falls asleep next to me which I love.  We’ve been doing this since he was an infant and I treasure our quiet time together.  He’s in a big boy bed now and sleeps through the night which was a miracle that I will discuss another time.

Most of my entries I assume will be about Nate and what he’s up to but I will also be focusing on pop culture.  I have been addicted to TV since I was a kid and my brother’s friends actually nicknamed me TV Guide when I was little because I knew everything about television and of course I read TV Guide.  I’m still pretty up on most things television but with so many options these days I miss out on a lot too.  A few of my obsessions these days are:

Modern Family
Raising Hope
30 Rock
Spartacus Blood & Sand
True Blood
Big Love
Boardwalk Empire
Top Chef
What Not To Wear
Animal Hoarders
Jersey Shore
Teen Mom 1 & 2
16 and Pregnant
One Born Every Minute
 Anything Kardashian

I’m sure I’m forgetting something but a lack of sleep last night has me a little groggy.  I was busy watching One Born Every Minute on Lifetime.  Now if you have not seen this show you may not want to watch it.  If you are already a mother and have given birth then by all means please go ahead and watch it.  If you have never given birth and plan one day do so then think twice about tuning in.  Don’t get me wrong it is a wonderful show, but this is not A Baby Story.  It takes place in the maternity unit of Riverside Methodist Hospital in Ohio and it makes me laugh, gasp and cry every week.  The deliveries are no joke and I am amazed how some of these women deal with being in labor for 24 hours or more or delivering without drugs.

I had a very easy delivery compared to most women and I sure as hell hope my next kid comes into this world just as easily as Nate.  I was scheduled to be induced on Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 7pm.  Saturday night I went to bed with my bags packed and ready to have a lazy Sunday before heading to the Hospital.  Nate had other plans.  I woke up around 2:30am and after sending some emails and watching some TV I decided to move my living room furniture.  The dog thought I was crazy and headed back to bed (we have a beagle named Blue).  When I was done I grabbed a bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies and hit the couch to check out the new location.  When I was done I threw away the bag and returned to the couch and before I could even lay back down a horrible pain ripped through my belly.  Whether I liked it or not I was in labor but since I was scheduled to be induced the doctor never told me what to do if I did go into labor.

I grabbed a book about labor and delivery (because I read EVERYTHING I could about pregnancy, childbirth and newborns) to see if I was in fact in labor or just having Braxton-Hicks contractions.  I wasn’t due for almost 3 weeks and I wasn’t expecting this.  An hour later at 5:30am when I was convinced that it really was labor (my water had not broken) I woke up my husband (who I’ll usually refer to as Love) and called the doctor.  He told me to shower and relax and get there whenever I wanted.  Was he kidding?  My contractions were on top of each other and I had only been in labor for an hour.  Since the Hospital is almost an hour away I decided to shower and leave immediately.  We got there at 7am and the nurses told the ER clerk that I was confused and was scheduled for 7pm.  Shift change is at 7am and the doctor didn’t relay that I was coming in.  She then explained that I was in labor and they took me upstairs.

Labor sucked until I got my epidural (yeah drugs!) and then it was smooth sailing.  By 10:30am I was comfy and relaxed and 7 centimeters.  When my water finally broke I thought I peed myself because I was so comfy.  An hour later I was 10 centimeters and it was time to push.  After pushing for an hour Nathaniel Charles was born at 12:34pm weighing in at only 5lbs. 14ozs.  He was such a tiny little peanut and I fell in love instantly.  I had waited so long for him I couldn’t believe he was there (it took us 18 months to get pregnant…another story for another day).  Every time I watch this show it brings me back to that day and how wonderful it was to finally meet my little man.  I could cry now thinking about it.  On that note I will sign off for today J


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