I feel like a broken record when I lament over how terrible the summer is for me. It is only June 14th and I am ready to have a breakdown. I had to work Saturday at a dog walk (don’t even ask) which pretty much ruined my weekend because it is the only day of the week that Love and I have together. I had to call in Monday because Nate was burning up so I took him to the doctor and he has an ear infection. I had a huge issue at work Tuesday which I did not need on top of all of the crap I had to deal with from Monday. One day out of the office is a total disaster for me and I am scheduled to be off for 3 days next week. I don’t know how I am going to be able to get everything done when I get back. I’m ready to cry just thinking about it and it’s a week away. Ugh.
My “To Do” list gets longer and longer and I am drowning. My biggest problem is other people not doing their jobs. If you have ever worked at a large business (we have over 1,000 employees) you have probably had to deal with people in other departments (we only have 7 full time employees in ours) and outside vendors and that that is usually where my stress originates. I have been doing this job for a long time and I think I do a pretty good job. I am organized and am good with deadlines and I can also handle whatever is thrown at me on any given day…until June arrives. Then I lose my fucking mind.
I pride myself on being a multi-tasker. Even at home if you watch me clean you will see me go back and forth room to room for hours until everything is done. I have ADD when it comes to that. I start cleaning my room and go to the kitchen for something and get distracted and start cleaning something in there. Then I remember my room and head back and take something from my room to Nate’s and get distracted again. You get the point. At work I have lists and notes everywhere because someone will ask me for something and if I don’t write it down or do it immediately I have lost it forever. It drives me crazy and makes me feel very off but that is usually how my entire summer goes. Every year I vow to be even more organized and get things done more efficiently and it never happens.
Sometimes I think the problem stems from the amount of time I’ve worked here. Whenever there is an issue in the office everyone comes to me. “Do you remember such and such?” “Did so and so donate a whos-ima-wachit?” As someone’s assistant I also hear lots of, “When you get a minute” (holy shit no kidding – it just happened!) from my boss. I spend lots of minutes handling lots of things that sprout up and screw up my plan for the day. I usually start the day with good intentions of going through my emails and then moving on to my “pile”. I keep a neat stack of things that I need to get done each day on the side of my desk. A good day means I have gotten to the bottom of that pile. A bad day is when I have added more shit to the pile. Today is an okay day. I am really hoping tomorrow will be a great day…positive thoughts…
Yesterday I had piles everywhere :(
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