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Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Sickness

Last weekend was the beginning of the end for me and I had an ominous feeling going in. Friday was a long day at work...which ended in Montauk at 8pm...meaning I didn't get home until 10pm. I would have loved to sleep in on Saturday but Nate and I started parent and child swim lessons at 9:30am (Yay! I'm such a great mom! Pretend not to be falling asleep while waiting for class to begin!). Luckily class is only a half hour and Nate was SO good and did SO well! Several hours later we headed to my parents to see my great-aunt (who also happens to be my god-mother) and great-uncle and my brother and his family.

Nate is all about his cousin Charlie lately but he has major jealousy issues with him. Being the only grandchild on my side is suddenly posing some problems. Nate has had free reign of my parents for just under 4 years so he feels like everything there is his...even if it's actually mine (hmmmmm I wonder where he gets it from?) Our day ended at a friend's annual 4th of July party. I was really hoping that Nate would be into the fireworks this year since I missed them the last 2 years but no such luck. Instead he was screaming, "I want to go inside!" so we left the party early. Maybe next year will finally be our year.

Sunday was mostly a day of rest while Love worked. Monday was a crappy day and I got a lot done but it was stressful and I was distracted all day. Nate and I had dinner at my parents and then headed across the street for a play date for Nate and me! We went swimming with my friend Wendy and her son and it was so nice. It made me wish I lived with my parents so I could do it more often. Wendy and I made a pact to do it once a week and I plan on sticking to that. Tuesday at work was hell and I just wanted the day to end since I had Wednesday off. The bright spot in my day was free lunch and leftovers for dinner (no cooking!). It's the little things sometimes.

Wednesday was going to be a fun day with Nate and instead turned into day 1 of my sickness. I woke up with a sore throat and headache and my nugget let me sleep until 11am when he couldn't wait to eat anymore. I felt so sad that he let me sleep but I was grateful. We ate breakfast and we went out to go in his pool. Before Love got home I cooked dinner and I went downhill quickly. Thursday morning was awful but I really thought I could make it to work. After dropping Nate at school I realized it wasn't happening. The doctor gave me an antibiotic and told me to rest so I headed home to bed again. The timing couldn't have sucked worse because I was on a deadline for work that got blown to shit. Monday is another day. I'm no good at being sick so I'm glad I'm feeling better tonight. I hate missing work and it's impossible for me to ignore my messy house. The worst is not being able to hug and kiss my little nugget. It feels weird that it's the weekend again but I'll take it.

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