Since I was a child I have had nightmares and vivid dreams. I don’t wake up every morning remembering my dreams, but when I do they are normally very detailed. I have thought of keeping a dream journal but never got around to it. I never thought about Nate dreaming except when I watch him sleep sometimes and he is restless. I wonder if he is dreaming and what his dreams are about. Clearly a 4-year old and a 35-year old have very different dreams right?
Not so much as it turns out. Nate has been having bad dreams for a few weeks now and at first he came into my bed in the middle of the night and said he had a scary dream. Then he peddled himself into my kitchen one day while I was cooking and from his tricycle he asked quietly when his dreams would stop. It broke my heart because dreams can be a wonderful thing, an escape from reality or a trip to a faraway place. I asked if he had good dreams too and he shook his head yes. He just wants the bad dreams to go away, and in his mind dreams are not a permanent in our life. I hated telling him that dreams never stop but we can certainly deal with the bad ones.
Nate takes after me in a lot of ways (just look at the kid and you can tell he is mine) but I had hoped that he would not inherit my nightmares. I asked him what his bad dreams are about and he said ghosts and monsters. I explained that there are no ghosts or monsters in our house (except of course Cookie Monster, Grover and Elmo) and that he could wake up from a dream if he realizes it is a dream. He said he would try. He also says his room is too dark but I keep a light on for him so I know it is the dreams keeping him from falling asleep after finally making so much progress.
Yesterday he was telling me about a vampire recurring dream and he said he told the vampire to go away. I bought a blow up ghost and pumpkin for Halloween decorations so last night I blew them up and told them to keep them in his room to keep away the bad dreams. This morning he told me the pumpkin kept them away…but he had left the pumpkin in my room. I agreed that I did not have a bad dream so the pumpkin worked. I’m planning on doing a little research on toddlers and dreams and hopefully I can help my little nugget out. In the meantime, I need a nap.
Looks like a good dream to me
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