April has been a really long month and I honestly will be glad to be done with it. It’s been crazy busy and I’ve been feeling very stressed. We’re finally back to our normal schedule with work and my mom but I’m still feeling a little in limbo. I’m hoping May brings good things!
Now don’t get me wrong the last couple of months have had their exciting points and I will now get to that good news…
#1 We’re having a baby!!! It’s a little confusing and hard to explain but basically I went to have my blood drawn too early which produced a negative result so I am now 11 weeks pregnant! I started showing at 6 weeks so I feel like I have been pregnant for about 6 months even though Thursday will be only 3 months. I’m already getting excited to find out if it’s a boy or girl because I have an obsessive need for order in my life and I want to finish cleaning out the room, get it painted and get it all set. Then I can enjoy the last 5 months of this journey knowing we are as ready as we’ll ever be for a new baby to come home.
#2 I have been offered a promotion at work! Not as exciting as #1 I know but it’s still pretty great. I was honestly thinking that the pregnancy would put a hold on things but it had the opposite effect due to my request for a longer maternity leave than the standard 12 weeks. I was smart enough to plan ahead for this one and I invested in short term disability so I can bring in some extra income while I am on leave. I figure that I’m not having any more kids and Nate will be at school all day so I will get some quality time with this peanut at the beginning at least. I’ll also get in some extra time with Len and Nate which will be really good for our family.
#3 Due to my “advanced” maternal age I had the option of amniocentesis or a new MaterniTY21 blood test. I am deathly afraid of the amnio so I chose the much easier and much safer blood work. Insurance doesn’t always cover it but I refuse to do the amnio which has a 1 in 200 to 1 in 400 rate of miscarriage. I worked too hard for this kid to have something happen and its well worth the $200. I was scheduled for next week but got bumped to this Friday and not only will the test tell us if the baby is healthy it will also tell us the sex! I thought I was going to have to wait until my 20 week sonogram…sometimes being old has its benefits! The waiting time for the results will suck but it will be great to know so early.
Spring is here and I am ready…bring it on!
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