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Thursday, October 31, 2013

38 Weeks…

Yup, still preggers. It’s Halloween and I am not celebrating because I can hardly move, let alone go trick or treating. Every year since Nate was born he and I have been at my parent’s house going door to door together. Last year we were living with my parents (our 10-day “vacation” during Hurricane Sandy) and we walked around with our friends and had a really good time.

This is the first year that he will go out by our house and I’m getting the impression that he is not happy about it. He has already said that we bought enough candy so he doesn’t have to go out and today he told me he didn’t want to wear his costume. I’m feeling really guilty because I know he is feeling left out because of the baby, so I convinced Love to go in to work late so he could walk around with him for an hour. I’m leaving work early so my mother doesn’t have to figure into the equation at all. My mother means well but she can hardly walk and she told me she would take him to a few houses because there’s no one around. That’s right folks, that is my mother’s subtle way of telling me that she doesn’t like my neighborhood. I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands and tell her that Nate has been missing his daddy (which he has) and that I felt they should go together. Perhaps it was time for a new Halloween tradition. We’ll see how that works out.

So back to the baby…because that is all anyone can talk about these days. All day at work I get emails and calls inquiring if I am still around. Yeah, this kid is stubborn as a mule and doesn’t want out just yet. Even my co-workers every morning pop in just to make sure I’m still here. I’m here and getting crankier by the day. I didn’t want a Halloween baby but at this point I will happily give birth today.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What Now?

I was listening to Rhianna’s new song What Now and she sings “I guess I’ll just wait it out”. I’m right there with you ReRE…I’m just waiting for this little boy to come and I feel like it will never happen at this point. There is of course light at the end of the tunnel because I will be induced next week if he is still squatting in his comfy digs. I was really hopeful going in to my appointment this morning because he dropped significantly over night, the pressure is crazy, the sonogram tech said he is about 7 pounds 2 ounces and is healthy enough to be delivered now and I am at 4cm now…but nothing.

It was wonderful to see his little heartbeat on the screen, and the doctor while listening to it said that it’s the best heartbeat he heard all day. I told him that’s because he’s so comfy in there that he’s never coming out. He’s clearly happy and healthy, so why not hang around for a while. I swear he hears Nate yelling and me yelling and has decided that he would prefer the buffer of amniotic fluid to muffle that noise. I obviously have another smart kid on my hands here.

At this point I want to climb into my bed with all of my pillows and have some uninterrupted rest for a good 10 hours…maybe 12 hours. The drive to and from work has become a chore and something I dread everyday. Unfortunately I would prefer to save my days for after I have him instead of resting now. I may change my mind in the near future but for now I am trying to get through each day as best I can. All of my big projects are wrapped up so at least one stress has been taken away. Of course lots of other things are blowing up at work this week so I have that to deal with…it’s always something!

Friday, October 25, 2013

37 Weeks and a Day…

As of yesterday I am officially 37 weeks and I could not be more ready to have this baby. It hit me at the beginning of the week that when I was pregnant with Nate I was on bed rest at 36 weeks and he was born at 37. I was out of work and laying around my house napping just me and the dog waiting for a baby. I have been dragging myself through the days this week and I feel like my skin can’t possibly stretch anymore and I am getting full very quick because my stomach must be squashed. Have I mentioned how cranky I am? It doesn’t help that every morning when I show up for work by boss sees it as an opportunity to give me more work. I am trying to tie up several projects so I am not too thrilled to have more work added to my list…and he knows it!

I have been doing everything I can to move things along. I have been hitting pressure points, walking, jumping up and down (my co-workers were not fans of that one!) and I got a really great massage yesterday which I was sure would get labor going and nothing! Working 2 blocks away from the hospital I have been hoping to go into labor while I am on the clock so I don’t have to go all the way home and come back (2 extra hours in the car!). As time ticks away during the day I get more depressed that this kid is never coming out…even though I know he obviously is. I would like him to come out when it’s convenient for me and of course that is not happening. I’m so over the itchy belly, pressure and pain down below, back pain, heartburn, leg cramps and spending all night trying to get comfortable so I can be refreshed for work.

People think I’m crazy to complain because they say it’s easier to be pregnant than have a newborn at home but I am so ready to be home with the baby for so many reasons.

1. I want my body back. It wasn’t great before, but it was better than having this basketball in front of me at all times. I actually had to move my car at Target last weekend because I couldn’t get out of the car! The waddle is getting old.
2. I want to see what he looks like! I remember worrying so much that Nate would be ugly and he is a gorgeous little boy. I’m hoping this one is just as good looking.
3. I want to start using all the baby stuff. The nursery has been ready for a couple of weeks and I feel like it’s collecting dust waiting for this little man to get here. I want to start swaddling this kid already!
4. I want to spend more time with my family. I may take that one back in a month or so but I feel like we have no quality time together. I never see Love because of our work schedules (bumping into him at 1am in the bathroom isn’t as romantic as it sounds) and I get a couple of hours a night with Nate and one in the morning. Weekends are always filled with running errands, laundry and cleaning the house.
5. I want to know what being a stay-at-home mom is like. When I had Nate I felt rushed back to work because I could only afford a 12-week leave and only had 11 weeks with him. I hated dropping him at daycare everyday and trudging to the office. This time I planned ahead for health insurance and expenses and am able to take a longer leave. My only fear is not wanting to go back after 6-months off but my raise should help with that fear since it goes into effect upon my return.
6. My mom won’t be at my house everyday. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother and I really appreciate that she has always offered to help with Nate. She has made being a working mom much easier on me and my wallet. The problem is that she complains about all of the things that need to be done around my house. She’s always doing the dishes and vacuuming and folding laundry, etc. After working an 8 hour day with an hour commute each way I am not always in the mood to do dishes…and sometimes after doing laundry all day Sunday I don’t feel like folding the towels at 9pm. It can wait until the next day…or day after that. We are all healthy and happy and doing all of the housework that she feels needs to be done is not a priority sometimes. I’d rather spend 15 minutes reading to Nate and cuddling with him and let the dishes sit in the sink.
7. I get to watch Breaking Bad! Okay, this is a totally selfish motivation but I plan to watch Breaking bad from the beginning because I have never seen a minute of the show. If I get through it quickly enough I would also like to watch The Wire (Idris Elba!) and Deadwood (Timothy Olyphant and Garret Dillahunt!) and perhaps Veep. We’ll see how much free time I have on my hands.

The bottom line is I am really looking forward to a change of pace in my life for a little while. People say spend as much time at home as you can and I am really going to try and enjoy it. I know when I return to work that things are going to be very different with my promotion and it will be the beginning of our busy season. It’s a good time to be out on leave since it is a little slower and it will be a good time to return because my days will go by quickly.

Now it’s up to this baby to get things going!!!