I work at a hospital that has a wellness center that offers yoga, pilates and other health classes at a discounted rate to employees. When I did the hypnosis I only paid $35 instead of $75 because of a grant from a generous donor. I have never met this woman but I love her. She gave the hospital money to subsidize wellness services for the employees to help lower our stress levels and help us better serve the needs of our patients. I don’t work directly with patients but I still have plenty of stress. Most of it is not work related but a large enough portion is. I have been thinking about taking a yoga class because I used to love doing it years ago. I am really into meditation lately and I think yoga goes along well with that.
I found out this week that there is now a “gentle” yoga class that is free for employees every Monday and Friday. I immediately jumped on it and my friend and co-worker Aimee agreed to join me. I think that this is the perfect way to get in a little exercise during the day, no matter what the weather is like, and get some stress relief at the same time. It will also help with balance and circulation which is a bonus because I’m clumsy and have poor circulation. I’m basically a big old mess inside with an okay package on the outside…I’m always working on both but just the outside seems to be changing lately. Maybe I need to schedule a massage to go along with my yoga. A good massage always makes me feel better and who doesn’t love a massage? I think this plan is coming together well J