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Monday, February 13, 2012

Sitting Shiva Isn’t So Bad

Last week was not the greatest week for many reasons.  It started with my boss’ father passing away and ended with me spending 3 straight days in bed sick.  I started to get sick Tuesday night and I should have known it was coming because my mother and Nate were both sick last weekend and he coughed all over me Monday night.  Since my boss was out all week I was looking forward to getting a lot done at the office.  Most people look forward to their bosses being away so they can take advantage and do less work, I am the opposite.  I am his assistant so for me I look forward to getting my work done without a hundred emails and interruptions throughout the day distracting me.  I am great at multitasking, but I love nothing more than to be able to see the bottom of my inbox.  It’s the little things.

I dragged myself to work on Wednesday and everyone stayed away from me.  It was great!  I got so much done and I was looking forward to being the only one in the office on Thursday so I could power through the rest of the work I needed to get to.  Thursday was so quiet and I left at 2pm so I could sit Shiva at my boss’ house.  I have never done this before so of course I hit up Google and learned all about this Jewish tradition that I knew nothing about.  Luckily I was not going alone so I felt a little more comfortable.  I’ve been to plenty of wakes and it’s easy to go in and pay your respects and leave.  Since this was at his house I felt a little awkward but I also felt obligated to go and I thought it might be a nice thing to experience.  When we arrived at the house (bearing food because Google informed me that it is expected) we walked right in the front door which was odd, but again expected.  We stayed for a half hour which is the norm according to Google and we were both glad that we had gone.

By the time I got home Thursday night after picking up Nate, getting groceries and dinner I was ready to fall over from exhaustion but I had to be a mom.  We were off on Friday so we could go Upstate for my Father-in-law’s birthday and I had to pack.  I packed all of Nate’s stuff, laid out all of my stuff to pack and gave up for the night and crashed.  When I woke up Friday I felt even worse and thinking about a 4 hour car ride made me feel sicker.  Love said he was fine with me staying home so I only left my bed for the couch and vice versa for 3 days.  I caught up on all of my shows (including Spartacus!) and I watched Drive with Ryan Gosling.  Quick aside…I swear I could watch him stare into the camera for 2 hours and it would be entertaining.  He is SO good looking.  I thought by today I would be back to normal but I started to feel worse again last night.  I hate this time of year because these things get passed around and around and linger forever.  I am looking forward to things getting back to normal this week before another 3 day weekend.

 My dinner Saturday night...can you tell that I hadn't eaten all day?
That was my first Diet Pepsi in 18 days and it tasted HORRIBLE! Yay!
(and no I did not eat all of that food in one sitting, there are still leftovers in the fridge)
I may have said it before, but if you like violence, blood, nudity and sex
then Spartacus is the show for you!

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