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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Confessions From a Scary Mommy

I read the following article while eating my lunch and immediately bought the book for my Nook because this book confirms that I am not alone in my insanity.

I am indeed a scary mommy and I proudly wear that badge of honor. I believe that I am a good mother - but I also know that I have made PLENTY of mistakes and I get frustrated A LOT. Nate never went through the terrible two’s but since he turned 3 he tests me on a daily basis. I try to hold in my temper but we have days like yesterday where I lose my shit. I always feel terrible after because I hate to see him upset but my patience only goes so far. Yesterday he did not nap for my mother so when I arrived home he was in rare form. He was moody, not talking but grunting which has become his way of communicating lately and he refused to clean up his toys or eat dinner. By the time I finished my dinner I lost it and yelled at him. You may be thinking, “what’s so bad about yelling?” but I try not to yell at him because he yells and I tell him that it is wrong so I feel guilty yelling.

I constantly wonder how mothers with multiple children get through the day. If I had 2 of him, or him and a baby I don’t know how I would do it. Between the lack of sleep and the constant Groundhog Day feeling of our daily routine I am exhausted. I thought that by now I would be pregnant with #2 but I am actually glad that I’m not. I’m not saying that I want him to be an only child but I don’t think that I am currently prepared for another kid to join the mix. Everyone says there is no good time to have kids but I believe that everything happens for a reason and we will be blessed with another child when we are more equipped to deal with one.

I never thought that I would long for the days when Nate was an infant but now I do. I love the age he is at because he is a little man who loves his mommy and is fun to play with and be around. Then I remember what an easy baby he was and I feel badly for thinking it was so hard at the beginning. The lack of sleep, his inability to latch on and my baby blues made weeks 2-6 an emotional roller coaster. Then we hit our stride, got on a strict schedule and by 10 weeks he was sleeping through the night. It was bliss and I would love to have that experience again. I will check back in once I start reading the book and let you know if it is a must read for mommies.

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