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Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Know What Hell Feels Like

Today is one of those days that I wish I had never left my bed. I want to close my eyes and pretend this morning never happened. My mother has to have her car fixed tomorrow so the other day she asked to take Nate overnight tonight since she won’t have a car tomorrow to pick him up at school. I happily agreed and last night we packed his bags together and he was excited. We left out his Yankee Blanky, Izzy, Skully and Boots (see below for photos) because he has to sleep with them. This morning after he brushed his teeth I asked him to put them all in his toy bag for Grammie’s since they were going to swing by and pick them up after school. He proceeded to throw the biggest hissy fit of his entire life – for 40 MINUTES!!!
 My adorable nephew and son...Yankee Blanky is on the floor next to Nate
 Izzy and Skully from Jake and the Neverland Pirates...we have them in stuffed animal form
This is the exact Beanie Babie Boots that Nate has
 In case you are not familiar with him he is Dora the Fucking Explorer's monkey friend

I don’t know if I want a drink or a nap more right now. I actually recorded some of it on my iPhone and played it when I arrived at work and my boss told me to go get a massage (which I took advantage of). He refused to get dressed so I took away Izzy and Skully, he threw down his Yankee Blanky and Boots so I took them away too. I kept explaining in a calm voice that he would get his toys back when he stopped yelling and got dressed. As the minutes ticked by and his screaming and crying continued I got more and more angry. He has my temper so he does not give up and I boil over eventually (thanks Dad). I finally dragged him to his room and forcefully got him dressed. I told him to put on socks and shoes because it was time to leave. He threw the socks I picked out across the floor and started yelling at me even louder. I then snapped and got right in his face and yelled at him to pick out a pair of socks and shoes and put them on or he was going to school barefoot. He pulled the drawer out so hard that it fell crashing on to the floor with the bracket landing next to it.

You would think at this point that he would realize how mad I was and that he was not going to get his way. Instead I had to put on his socks, shoes, sweatshirt and vest since it was 8am and he was supposed to be at school already. I went to the front door and put on my shoes and coat and got the dog in the crate. As I set the alarm Nate grabbed for his toys that I had put in the bag which started this whole thing. As I was pushing him out the front door screaming and crying while holding my purse, tote bag, his backpack and my cup I locked the door and pulled it shut…realizing at that exact moment that my keys were still on their hook…O…M…F…G.

Thankfully my mother is off this week because school is closed so she got dressed and came to the rescue. She is a saint because she decided to take him straight to her house so she didn’t have to come back and get him later in the day. He is so lucky that he is sleeping at my parents tonight because I am still so angry and it’s been 6 hours. I will be drinking tonight after my Weight Watchers meeting…a lot.

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