Two weeks ago today I had my epidural and I am happy to report that today is my best day so far. I had my first massage in 3 weeks yesterday and the small amount of pain that I was still experiencing disappeared after 10 minutes on the table. I love my massage therapist because she is similar to a psychic in that she can touch me and know exactly what hurts and why. Anatomy is an amazing thing especially when it comes to pain management. I’m skipping ahead though…let’s start at the beginning.
In 2004 I began having pain in my left calf that was diagnosed as referred pain from 2 herniated disks in my lower back. Eventually the pain was so bad in my leg that I had trouble walking and was basically living on pain pills to get to sleep every night. I finally went to an orthopedist and was diagnosed with a benign tumor in my calf that was in the muscle and attached to nerves. I had it removed and my leg and back both improved. When I was pregnant with Nate in 2008 I had no back pain even with the extra 30 pounds I was carrying and it was a miracle. Over the last 4 years I have had pain on and off because of picking him up and carrying him, yard work, cleaning and honestly because once you have a back injury you are more prone to have another.
In April of this year I started to have pain on my right side and it goes down my butt and my leg – classic sciatic pain. I began going for weekly massages, which helps, and I finally got an appointment to see my neurologist in June. He sent me for an MRI and it revealed that I have central and right herniated disks. He suggested I go to their Pain Management Clinic for an epidural so I could avoid pain pills. I agreed and I am so glad I did.
From what I read online I expected to be there for at least an hour or so because it sounded time consuming so I had my friend drop me off and take Nate to the park. I filled out some forms and they took me right in and asked me to change into a gown (opening in the back) and some black paper shorts. The doctor came in and asked a few questions. Since I have pain on both sides she decided to do a central line so I could have relief on both sides. They took me into a surgical looking room (it was much warmer than an operating room – both temperature and décor) and had me lay on the table face down with a pillow under my stomach. There was a TV monitor above me that showed an x-ray of my back so she could see where she was putting in the epidural. I looked at the floor while the doctor swabbed my back with betadine and she gave me a shot of novacane (not just for dentists!) so I wouldn’t feel anything. She talked me through putting in the epidural and then she said I would feel pressure as she put in the medicine. I felt a weird sensation in my lower back and then down both legs and I was done. She took it out and they removed my IV and I was off to recovery.
It was amazing to have instant relief after months of constant pain. My massage therapist always tells me that she cannot believe that I can tolerate as much pain as I do. I try to not let it affect my daily life because it would be too depressing if I did. Besides, I have had 2 bouts of kidney stones and gave birth vaginally so on a scale on 1 to kill me I can handle some back pain. I had a follow up appointment last week and I was told that I am a perfect patient and should continue with epidurals as needed. She suggested I lose weight (as if I don’t beat myself up enough about that), swim for cardio (No running! Can you hear me weeping?) and start Pilates and Yoga classes to strengthen my core. Good thing I didn’t mention the 5K I ran 3 days after the procedure. Oops.
I am proud to report that I weighed in this morning and I have lost 3.2 pounds in the last week. I have my first Pilates class today and I am signing Nate up for Preschool swim classes so hopefully he will be swimming on his own soon and we can go swim together. My goal is to take Pilates 2 times a week and Yoga once and do some cardio at least 2 other days. Yoga and Pilates are free at work so I have no excuse not to go…right?
Looking Sexy ;)
The shorts were one size fits all gigantic people :(