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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Valium Would be Great Right About Now...

Ever have a day where you want to tell every person you come in contact with to just go fuck themselves? If your answer is no then you should probably head to another blog. If the answer is yes then you pretty much know how my day is going. You don't even need the specifics of my day to feel my pain. Just in case you do though here it is...I have had at least one person give me a job to do that is not my job (and its a REALLY shitty job)...I showed up for an appointment and there was no one at the check in desk (oh well, guess I can't pay you then!)...and I caught attitude from an employee because he can't do his job so he got transferred and he thinks the blame lies with the employees who asked that he actually do his job. People suck today (okay everyday) and I want to go home and lay in a hot tub with a glass of wine and forget that Wednesday ever happened...not that I want to do it again...hell no, let's just keep the week moving because Sunday can't come fast enough. Um yeah, I have to work for 12 hours on Saturday so Sunday is what I am holding on to for my own sanity.

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