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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Employee of the Quarter

I was surprised this morning in my office by two ladies from our Employee Relations Team. They showed up unexpected and asked to speak to me because they had news to share. They presented me with a letter from the CEO of the Hospital congratulating me on receiving the honor of Employee of the Quarter! I was surprised and a little embarrassed and very pleased that my co-workers were nice enough to nominate me. The ladies even said when the CEO was signing my letter that he told them it is “well deserved”. After almost 10 years of working here I must say that it feels good to be recognized as a valued employee…even if it is only by those closest to me.

The more exciting part of the honor is the things that come with being the employee of the quarter. I get a luncheon thrown in my honor where I choose the invitees, they present me with an award and flowers and I even get a parking spot! Of course since I don’t work in the Hospital I will use the spot for when I actually drive over there and my lucky husband can use it when he comes in to work.

It honestly is an honor that my co-workers would nominate me and they always tell me how great I am. I take it with a grain of salt because who agrees with something like that first of all and I am just coming to work each day and doing the job I have been hired for. Have I taken on more and more over the years? Of course I have. Anyone with a good work ethic would do the same and I was raised to give my all each day. It’s part of who I am and I can’t imagine not doing a good job at work. It’s an exciting day!


  1. You are an amazing person and you totally deserve it! Don't listen to Kathy when she says we just wanted to have the free lunch; I wanted you to win it because you deserve it and everyone here knows that! I can't understand why it took so long for someone to nominate you. The foundation wouldn't be the same without you!!

  2. Now that I know who you are I will be less formal in my replies lol! I want a free lunch! Honestly I am humbled by everyone telling me how much they appreciate me and I'm lucky to have amazing co-workers.

  3. We are lucky to have YOU! Honestly the Foundation would be a shit show without you there. <33333333
