I have been in love with my son Nathaniel since the day he was born. I don’t just love him I love, love him. He is my heart and even when he annoys me, as soon as he flashes that cute little smile or giggles I melt. He is 3 years and 8 months old next week and I cannot believe some of the things that come out of his mouth. He makes me laugh so much so I have recently started writing things that he says in my iPhone (the notes app is the best thing EVER). I know that every mother fawns over her kid and says how great they are blah, blah, blah…and I am no different! Kids his age are amazing little sponges and he is learning so much between school, TV (believe it or not there are some educational shows on – Bubble Guppies is teaching him his numbers and he loves it), reading and his educational toys. Last night at dinner he called the half of the pizza a semi-circle and I couldn’t believe he knew that. It is such a great age and I try to enjoy everyday.
Here are just a few of his recent gems that I am happy to force you to read J
After rushing into my room in a huff…”I just don’t know what to wear! I’m staying home!”
He is obsessed with his penis…”Mommy why don’t you have a penis?”
“Because girls don’t have penises remember?”
“And you’re a girl!”…BIG grin
And my lack of one…after barging in on me in the bathroom while putting in a tampon…”Did you just put that in your butt?”
“Yes, that is exactly where I put it.”
While we’re discussing my vagina…after he ran into the bathroom while I was getting out of the shower…”Mommy you have 2 bellies.”
“You’re right Nate, I have 2 bellies. Now please leave Mommy alone.”
While eating dinner..."Nate you are my favorite nugget." (my nickname for him)
"My favorite is the dinosaur nugget." (Why didn't these exist when I was young?)
While watching Gaspard & Lisa on Disney Junior and trying to repeat Au Revoir…
“What is au ribber?”
“It’s au revoir and it means goodbye in French. Just like adios means goodbye in Spanish”
“In Chinese you say bye, bye China !”
After giggling in his sleep…”That was good” (We need to get him out of our bed even if this did make us laugh at 3am)
After burping while waiting for someone to open the door to his pre-school…”Fruit snacks!” (which of course made me giggle and then he said it again)
How can you not love this face? And yes, that is my bra on his head.