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Friday, March 9, 2012

Cheers to the Freakin’ Weekend

I apologize if you are not a Rihanna fan but I am so suck it! LOL! I’m sorry but it is Friday afternoon and I just finished my second caffeinated beverage of the day and I am wired.  It doesn’t help that it was coffee, which I rarely drink.  I had a very mixed week so I am really looking forward to a couple of days off.  I am REALLY excited to go see my adorable nephew Charlie again.  I love that kid so much and I’ve only met him once.  Every picture I see melts my heart a little.  I’m also excited to spend some quality time with family and friends.

The beginning of the week was rough but I was able to power through.  Wednesday I checked our bank account and was pleasantly surprised to find our tax return had been deposited.  Love cancelled our Sirius service because it angers me when I get in my car and Howard Stern is on vacation…for 2 weeks…and EVERY Thursday and Friday.  Yesterday we got oil delivered, I made an appointment to get my car fixed next week and I got paid.  I was feeling a sense of accomplishment as we were ticking things off our “To Do” list.  It was 60 degrees yesterday so that helped out too.

I was also feeling proud of myself for sticking to my plan to exercise.  I always have really good intentions when I start and then I lose momentum and stop.  I decided this time that I am not stopping.  Last week I walked 2 days at lunch and I took one yoga class.  This week I took yoga twice and walked twice.  Yesterday was so beautiful and I was so excited to get out and walk.  I figured out where I wanted to go and I started out strong.  About 15 minutes in I decided to jog for a couple of minutes.  I felt great when I went back to walking so I decided to keep alternating walking and jogging and increase the distance I planned to go so I would still be out for an hour.  I walk at a pretty good pace so an hour usually works out to about 3 miles.  I have an app on my iPhone that tells me how far and fast I am going and even maps the walk.  I ended up doing 3.6 miles with the jogging added in.  I was so excited all day yesterday knowing that I can do that any day of the week and feel great.  My plan is to continue going out for a walk/jog twice a week and trying to do one weekend day also.  Here’s to a healthier me!

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