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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Done…and Almost Done!

I “ran” my first official 5K on Sunday…and I made it to the finish line! I made the mistake of choosing this particular 5K because it was local and early on Sunday morning so it was easy to drop Nate at my parents and swing back a couple of hours later to get him. When I arrived I realized that I should have probably looked into other races. I have only been to 2 other 5K’s and they were both fairly large, well attended events with both runners and walkers. This was about 40 teenage boys from the track club and some of us older folks…all of whom have clearly been running a lot longer than I have.

I didn’t let that get me down though. I psyched myself up and promised myself that I would keep to a comfortable pace for me and not be swayed by the rush of the crowd. Well that didn’t happen. I tried to keep up with the pack and ended up running faster than my normal pace and I was still dead last. Until the woman walking her Boxer ahead of me had to get out her bag to clean up after his mess. So I passed her…a woman with a dog…who was walking. It was not my proudest moment but I was happy to get ahead of someone and I was even happier a mile later to cross the finish line. It wasn’t easy but at least I did something that I never thought I would do. Scratch that off my bucket list!

I also finished my front and back gardens on Saturday…and then immediately proceeded to start a second back garden. I still have to finish cleaning out the area and add some top soil and the flowers and mulch…I can never be satisfied with what I have outside. Honestly though it is a small square that I had once planted stuff in and it all died off. Grass has never grown there and it is right next to my deck steps so I needed to make it more attractive. Now I need the rain to stop so I can finish my latest project. Then I will post pictures of my lovely flowers.

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