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Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Mother’s Day

It is Thursday and it has been a whirlwind of a week. Still busy at work (and will be until December), finally ran 5K, had an amazing massage yesterday and even took a bath last night. It has been rainy most of the week so I have been so achy and I could not wait for my massage yesterday. I saw a new therapist and she was amazing. I felt 90% better when she was done with me. I need to be back in shape to run my first official 5K on Sunday. My mother agreed to watch Nate so I can go it alone and zone out to my music instead of worrying about pushing a stroller with a 35 pound kid and having no music to push me through. I’ll let you know Monday how it went.

This weekend Love starts his new work schedule (Sunday through Wednesday 7am to 7pm) and I am not looking forward to less time with my husband and all day Sunday spent alone with Nate. We have become accustomed to tag teaming him so we can both get things accomplished around the house. Now I will be on my own and he will be tagging along for every load of laundry. Fun.

Last weekend however was a great one. Saturday morning Nate and I headed out to get my Mother’s Day presents…flowers for my gardens! I love gardening and it is another thing that relaxes me and gets me some fresh air. This year is the first time since we bought our house six years ago that my garden in the front yard didn’t need to be filled in with more plants. Everything is finally well established and I only added a few begonias in the front for some more color. I also decided to use more potted plants this year in the front yard. I always have one on either side of my deck but I decided to add a hanging basket and 3 pots to the deck. I love the way it looks.

My back yard is a whole different story. Unlike the front yard where the builder of the house put in the garden beds and I just added the flowers, in the back I had to dig out grass. Two years ago I took Mother’s Day weekend and dug out the grass in front of two sections of fence, put in a border and planted everything. Last year I ditched the vegetable garden and added more perennials. I love this garden because when I wash dishes I can look out the kitchen widow and enjoy the view.

Growing up with my Mother I guess I caught the green thumb and it is something I hope to pass on to my children. I wish I had taken a picture of Nate this weekend with his elephant watering can helping to water all of my new plants. He was so cute and proud of himself for being my helper. He was equally adorable Sunday morning when he woke me up with cards and flowers. Love was sweet enough to let me sleep in and even took care of Nate while I watched 3 episodes of Revenge and the last Once Upon a Time. It was a great weekend and I wish we could spend more time together this summer. Sometimes being a grown up sucks.
 Once my Lillies and Roses start blooming it will be so colorful out here!

 I love my $5 hanging basket...I got a yellow one for the back yard (pictures coming soon)
I love the snapdragon in the big pot because it is so different from everything else I have
Soon this bed will be filled with red, orange and more purple once everything blooms :)

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