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Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Madness

It is Friday of Memorial Day weekend and for anyone who watched Revenge this season (holy crap how incredible was the season finale? I laughed, I cried, I wanted more than one hour damnit!) you know that this weekend is the official “kick off” to summer in the Hamptons. Which is great for people who live and vacation here, but not so great for those of us who merely work here. This weekend should be 3-days of hanging with my family at the beach and barbecuing. Instead I will have to wade through ridiculous traffic to get out of here at 5pm, work Sunday night until Midnight at our “kick off” event at Westhampton Country Club and try and recover Monday while Love works. Who wants to be me for a weekend?!?! Crickets…damn.

This week at work has been exhausting and I am not in the middle of hell like a few other people in the office. This is one time that my job title is actually a plus because Special Events is not in there so I try and help out as much as possible while lying low at the same time. Just being in the office is stressful so I really enjoy going home at the end of the day…and drinking…a whole bottle of wine. Yup, I drank a whole bottle of wine last night and I don’t care who knows. It was my way of coping with a hard day and it helped me drift off to sleep and stay asleep instead of waking up and mentally making notes on what I needed to get done today. That is the worst and my summer will be filled with plenty of those nights so I was thrilled that last night was not one of them.

You would think that after almost 9 years in this job I would be used to giving up my summer to stress and exhaustion so people in the Hamptons can party. Drinking basically becomes a second job for those of us dealing with the rich and not so famous. I could write a book about how people treat us normal folk. I’d love to be a fly on their walls and see how they treat their hired help. Even other people who work here think we have nothing better to do than cater to them and their needs. If people did their jobs ours would be much easier. Enough bitching for today…I’ll be back Tuesday J

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